Contemporary technologies in design, architecture, art and culture

Within the “Days of Science – 2024″ of the Technical University of Sofia and as continuation of The European Year of Skills (9 May 2023 – 8 May 2024), the Department of Engineering Design (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, TU-Sofia) will for the second time host and organize the conference “D etc. – Contemporary technologies in design, architecture, art and culture”.

This year’s edition of the conference will be held on November, 7-8, 2024 and will provide an opportunity to meet free and creatively charged minds with interests in a wide range of fields – engineering science, ergonomics, design, architecture, art, culture etc. That’s why we called the conference “Design and so on…” or “D etc.”


Assoc. Prof. Sofia ANGUELOVA – TU-Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Stilian NIKOLOV – TU-Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Velizar VASSILEV – TU-Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Georgi STANCHEV – TU-Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Trayan STAMOV – TU-Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Boryana GEORGIEVA – TU-Sofia
Programme secretary:
Assist. Prof. Theodora PESHEVA – TU-Sofia


Honorary Chairman:
Prof. Ivan KRALOV, DSc – Rector of the TU-Sofia
Assoc. Prof. Boryana GEORGIEVA, PhD – TU-Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Lidia GALABOVA, PhD – TU-Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Dessislava HRISTOVA, PhD – NAA Bulgaria
Prof. Milena LAZAROVA, PhD – TU-Sofia, Bulgaria
Prof. Boris SERGINOV, PhD – New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria
Prof. Georgi GEORGIEV, PhD – University of Oulu, Finland
Prof. Vassil JIVKOV, PhD – University of Forestry, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Florin BODE, PhD – Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Kristina Marković, PhD – University of Rijeka, Croatia
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Sanjin Troha, PhD – University of Rijeka, Croatia
Assoc. Prof. Eng. Željko Vrcan, PhD – University of Rijeka, Croatia
Assoc. Prof. Krassimira DRUMEVA, PhD – University of Veliko Turnovo “St Cyril and St Methodius”, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Yordan DOYCHINOV, PhD – University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Nikolay D. NIKOLOV, PhD – TU-Sofia, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Antoniya TASHEVA, PhD – TU-Sofia, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Ivaylo PEEV, PhD – TU-Sofia, Bulgaria
Assoc. Prof. Martin IVANOV, PhD – TU-Sofia, Bulgaria


• Contemporary methods and technologies for visualization and prototyping
• Application of digital technologies and computer methods, including AI
• Contemporary methods and technologies for restoration, conservation and transformation
• Challenges of the circular economy, sustainability and environmental care
• Innovations in the educational process and science communication

All topics are applicable to objects from the fields of engineering science, ergonomics, design, architecture, art, culture and their interdisciplinary fields.

Conference languages

ENGlish and BULgarian.


1 September 2024 – Abstract submission deadline –

8 September 2024 – Abstract acceptance notification

11 October 2024 – Paper submission deadline –

21 October 2024 – Paper acceptance notification

25 October 2024 – Payment of the conference fee deadline (Bank account indicated below)

1 November 2024 – Camera-ready submission deadline

6 November 2024 – Conference Programme announcement.

7-8 November 2024 – Conference Days (registration, sessions by topic sections, discussions, side events and closing session)


Technical University of Sofia,
Library and Information Center (LIC) of the Technical University of Sofia,
Conference room and Art gallery “Techne”

8 Sv. Kliment Ohridski Blvd.
1756 Sofia, Bulgaria

Contact person:
Theodora PESHEVA
TU-Sofia SOFIA, Building 4, room 4426А


1. Abstracts should be formatted according to the guidelines and samples given below:

For abstracts in Bulgarian:
Abstract Guidelines – BUL
Abstract Template – BUL

For abstracts in English:
Abstract Guidelines – ENG
Abstract Template – ΕΝG

2. The full text papers, in English or Bulgarian, should be up to 10 pages, incl. figures, tables, images and literature. The files with guides and templates below are used to format the reports:

For papers in Bulgarian:
Paper Guidelines – BUL
Paper Template – BUL

For papers in English:
Paper Guidelines – ENG
Paper Template – ΕΝG

3. All papers meeting the deadlines, topics, and layout requirements will be peer-reviewed.


1. Each paper in Bulgarian must have an abstract with keywords and a bibliography in English!

2. All papers that meet the layout requirements according to the provided templates (see section REQUIREMENTS FOR PAPER AUTHORS) will presented in relevant conference topic sections.

3. All presented papers that have passed double anonymous review will be published in the collection “D etc. 2024 – Contemporary Technologies in Design, Architecture, Art and Culture”, volume 2/2024 (listed in the NACID reference list) and online at the conference page.

4. The proceedings of the D etc. 2024 Conference will be published online at
NALIS Repository
of the Technical University of Sofia

5. The papers in English will be included in a Special Edition of the TU-Sofia Yearbook, which will be available online at “Proceedings of the TU – Sofia”.


• 150 BGN – Author (presenter) with one paper
• 180 BGN – Author (presenter) with two papers
• 80 BGN – PhD Student
• FREE – Student
• 40 BGN – Printed Conference Proceedings
• 20 BGN – Additional set of materials form the conference

Included in the conference fee:
• Conference program and abstracts
• Coffee breaks during the conference
• Welcome Cocktail
• Conference proceeding in digital format


Payment for the D etc. Conference should be made to the conference bank account indicated below.

Bank account holder / Beneficiary: Technical University-Sofia-Technologies Ltd
Bank: Eurobank Bulgaria, Sofia Branch
1756 Sofia, 8 Sv. Kliment Ohridski Blvd.

IBAN (for payments in EUR): BG98 BPBI 79401 44613 9701
IBAN (for payments in BGN): BG89 BPBI 79401 04613 9702

Reason for payment: D etc. 2024, followed by the name of the participant